[Index of available issues]

VOL. 2. TALENT, OREGON, DECEMBER 1st, 1893. No. 21.

The TALENT NEWS is published the 1st. and 15th. of each month.

One year................ 25 cents
Six months.............. 1/4 of a dollar,
Three months............ Two bits.

Entered at the Talent Post Office as second
class mail matter.


Nov. 29, 1893.  
     Miss. Katie Didd,
I seat myself to answer 
your ad. that I saw in the talent news. Now Katie, if you want a man that is not afraid to work, here is your chance. I was raised on a farm in the Willamette valley, am a member of the F. A. and I. U., No. 60, am 27 years old, auburn hair, blue eyes, light complection and of a loving disposition. I use no tobacco nor whisky, nor play cards.
  I have a horse that is worth his weight in gold. Now Katie, please answer me in the next news, if you wish to choose me. If you don't fancy me, please give my address to some other girl you think will.
  Yours Truly,
W. B. A.         

Talent, Oregon,    
Jackson, kounty,
nov. 23.
      mis caty diDD
i See you advertize fur 
a Man an tho 2 fellers hav writ back, i'm a goin to take my chanse an rite to.  i haint got Larnin nuff to rite nise Poetry like one uv them did But i kin rite good hoss sence and that's bettern Poetery tew run a farm With.  An tho other feller don't no when he was Borned.
  Now i sa yer better look out fur him a man that don't no when he wus borned dont no nuff to sewt a nise gurl lik yer be. i'm 29 years ole ter day an this is penawyer's thankgivin.   i'm 4 foot 8 Inches high an jest as good lookin as eny the fellers bout Hear what thinks they is So smart, in fac i fill the bill awl round i belong to progris Alyunce an pa my dews regler.  plese rite Rite off an sen yer fotergraf
    p. S that news chap says he mus print Awl the letters so plese rite to me That way
   yours Ter be
W. W.        

  A Populist, politico-educational club has been organized at Talent which meets in the U. M. L. Hall every Wednesday evening, S. H. Dunlap, president, W. Beeson, secretary. All sorts of questions that have a political bearing are admissible for discussion and it is especially desired and intended that the younger members should take an active part in the meetings. Indorsement of the Omaha platform is the essential requirement for admission to the club.

For Foot Fitting Shoes,
Just arrived some very up to date styles.

[side 2]

O'er the range and down the gully across
  the river-bed,
We are riding on the trucks of the cattle
  that have fled.
The mopokes all are laughing, and the
  cockatoos are screaming,
And bright amidst the stringy-barks the
  parlakeets are gleaming!

The wattle-blooms are fragrant, and the
  great magnolias fair
Make a heavy, sleepy sweetness in the
  hazy morning air;
But the rattle and the crashing of our
  horses' hoofs ring out,
And the cheery shout we answer with our
  long repeated shout--

"Coo-ee-coo-ee-eee! Coo-ee-coo-ee-coo-ee
"Damnation Dick" he hears us, and he
  shrills back"Whoo-ee-ee!"
"Damnation Dick" the prince of native
  trackers thus we call,  
From the way he swigs his liquor and the
  oaths that he can squall!

Thro' more ranges thro' more gullies,
  down sun-scorch'd granite ways
We go crashing, slipping, thundering, in
  our joyous morning race--
And the drowsy 'possums shriek, and o'er
  each dried-up creek.
The wallabies run scuttling, as if playing

And like iron striking iron do our horses'
  hoofs loud ring
As down the barren granite slopes we leap
  and slide and spring;
Then one range further only and we reach
  a moment rein
Our steaming steeds, as wide before us
  stretches out the grassy plain!

And "Damnation Dick" comes running
  like a human kangaroo,
And he cries, "The herd have bolted to
  the creek of Waharoo!"
So we swing across the desert, and for
  miles and miles we go
Till men and horses pant athirst i' the
  fierce sun's firey glow.

And at last across the plains, where the
  kangaroos fly leaping,
And the startled emus in their flight go
  circulary sweeping.
We see the trees that hide the spring of
  Waharoo, and there
The cattle all are standing still -- the bulls
  with a fierce stare!

Then off to right goes Harry on his sorrel
  "Pretty Jane,"
And to the left on "Thunderbolt" Tom
  scores across the plain;
And Jim and I, well mounted, and on
  foot "Damnation Dick,"
Go straight for Warharoo; and our stock-
  whips fling and flick!

Ho! there goes old "Black Beetle," the
  patriarch of the herd!
His doughty courage vanished when Tom's
  long lash cracked and whirred;
And after him the whole lot flee, and
  homeward headlong dash--
What bellowing flight and thunder of
  hoofs, thro' the scrub we crash!

Back through the gum-tree gullies, and
  over the river-bed,
And past the sassafras ranges, whereover
  at dawn we sped;
With thunderous noise and shouting the
  drivers and driven flee--
And this was the race that was raced by
  Tom, Jim, Harry and me!
William Sharp.

Notary Public,
  Agent for the following Insurance Companies:--
The North British and Merchantile Insurance Co. of London and Edinburgh, New York Life and the Standard Life and Accident Co. of Detroit.
Office at the News Stand,
                     Ashland, Oregon.

[side 3]

I sit upon my ox team, calm,
  Beneath the lazy sky,
And crawl contented through the land
  And let the world go by.
The thoughtful ox has learned to wait
  And nervous impulse smother,
And ponder long before he puts
  One foot before the other.

And men with spanking teams pass by
  And dash upon their way,
As if it were their hope to find
  The world's end in a day.
And men dash by in palace cars,
  On me dark frowns they cast,
As the lightning-driven present frowns
  Upon the slow old past.

What do they chase, these men of steam,
  Their smoke-flags wide unfurled,
Pulled by the roaring fire-fiend
  That shakes the ruling world?
What do ye seek, ye men of steam
  So wild and mad you press?
Is this, is this the railroad line
  That leads to happiness?

And when you've swept across the day
  And dashed across the night
Is there some station through the hill
  Where men can find delight?
Ah, toward the depot of content
  Where no red signals stream,
I go by ox team just as quick
  As you can go by steam.
--Yankee Blade.

  Have you read General Applegate's populist prayer, prepared for the use of the politically devout on Sylvester's Thanksgiving? Varily it's a stunner.
  It is presumed that the author delivered it at home in the seclusion of his sanctuary, where, after having "shut the door," he poured forth the ambiguous phrases duly emphasized by the general's inimitable facial contortions. Though a model prayer to be offered by the people, we may well suppose that the Almighty was also thankful for the valuable and timely information concerning the financial condition of the country, which, but for that prayer might never have reached the Throne of Grace.
  But wouldn't it have been a novel spectacle -- the sage of Ashland in an attitude of prayer?


  "The American Telephone and Telegraph Company recently gave an exhibition of their long-distance telephone lines to a small party of guests who assembled at the Telephone building in Cortlandt Street, New York City. Many eminent scientists of Europe and America were present to witness the exhibition.
  A number of receivers were arranged so as to give each of the party a connection to the line.  Connection was made with Boston, Chicago and Washington in turn and conversations were held with the officers at those points. A cornet was also played which was heard through 500 miles of wire as distinctly, as though it were in an adjoining room. The conversation with the headquarters of the telephone company at the World's Fair was held with perfect ease, speaking in an ordinary tone of voice."


  Those indebted to the Wagner Creek Cemetery Association are requested to pay up as soon as convenient as money is needed for necessary improvements on the Cemetery. Also those who have accounts against the association are requested to present them for payment.
W. J. Dean, Clerk.  


Do you want any job printing done at reasonable rates?

  If you do you should not fail to call and examine our work and prices.

All kinds of bill heads, letter heads, envelope heads, name cards, dance tickets and bills.   Also mining notices etc.

[side 4]

Talent Or.  December 1st, 1893.


___________, Oregon, 
Nov. 20, '93
      Ed. news:
I hasten to reply in this indirect 
manner to "E. P." and "J, I. C.," whose answers to my ad. appeared in the news of the 15, inst.  Now the first initial, ''E," may stand for Earnest for all I know, but he certainly can't be in earnest when he "drops into poetry" in answering a genuine, practical, matrimonial advertisement like mine. I want to tell him that rhyming and ranching don't go together worth a cent. Just as likely as not such a fellow as he would spend half his time sitting around in the shade writing poetry on ''Gentle Spring," "The Moon," "I Think of Thee'' and all that sort of thing when he ought to be putting in his best licks on the ranch. No white-handed rhyme-writing dude for me, thank you.
  "J. I. C.'s" answer is in very fair prose I'm glad to say, but it isn't hard to read between the lines and find out that it's the cash he's after. He's awful handy with the ax when the "wood is already chopped!"  Dear me, what a brave fellow!
  He can "drive the ducks to the pond,'' too -- just as if ducks haint got sense enough to go to the pond without driving.
  Then right away he says he don't know whether he was born in "1685, or 1865!"
  Well Did you ever! Just think of it! don't know whether he is 28 or 208 years old! If he don't know that much, I'd just bet all the feathers in my new hat that he wouldn't know enough even to drive the ducks to water. Then he's been converted to the Alliance cause since my advertisement appeared -- but hasn't joined yet. Just a waiting to see how I reply. That's too thin. A nice Alliance worker he'd make! Then to think how old he might be! Why I'd rather run my farm all alone for the balance of my days than to marry a man that might be 208 years old.  Next.  Katie.

  H. L. WHITED, the jeweler in Ashland will repair watches, mount gold nuggets, do engraving, in fact any similar, work in good shape and quickly too.

  The last two meetings of the Talent literary society were up to the usual merit.
  This evening the question: "Resolved that the public school is not up to the demands of the age,'' is up for debate.


  Mr. Wm. Stearns and Mrs. Pengra, of Eugene, Oregon, brother and sister of "Uncle Davy" Stearns, deceased, were on the creek last week on a visit to relatives and friends.

  By a careless oversight we omitted to mention in last issue that Wm. Bunce a brother of Mrs. Geo. Robison of Anderson creek, died of fever in Phoenix, Arizona, a few weeks ago. The deceased was an estimable young man and his death was sad news to his many friends here.

  Last week this community was shocked to learn that the two-year old child of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bonnet, who moved from Wagner creek to Stanislaus, Cal. some three years ago, was scalded to death by falling into a tub of hot water. Mrs. D. P. Brittian and Mrs. F. M. Jordan, mother and sister, of the childs father, set out for the latter's home as soon as possible after hearing of the sad accident.

  Three car loads of fat hogs were shipped from Talent to San Francisco last week. Two more carloads will probably be shipped this week.

  R. H. Moore with his crew has been very busy packing apples on Wagner creek for the past two weeks.  He shipped a car load last Wednesday to Montana and another yesterday.

  Geo. Low, while at work in the woods the other day, had a narrow escape from a falling tree that didn't come down according to his calculations, but aside from a big jaw and some other slight bruises, he is ready for another experiment in the same line.

  John Mast who has been employed for nearly two years by Joseph Rapp, left on the 20th, ult, for his home near Chillicothe Missouri. John is an industrious young man and leaves a host of friends in Oregon.

  Arthur Abbott and Chas. Sherman came over from Pokegama last Sunday for a visit to friends and relatives here.

  S. Smith of Talent is very sick with la grippe.

  At the Peoples Party meeting in the hall last Wednesday evening J. C. Allen, W. J. Dean and J. W. Abbott were elected to the county convention.

  Mrs. John Holton of Ashland has been very low for several weeks with pneumonia.

  Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beatty left yester-morning for Oakland, Cal., where the later will be treated for cancer.

[Index of available issues]