TALENT NEWS. The TALENT NEWS is published the 1st. and 15th. of each month. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Entered at the Talent Post Office as second THE RUNAWAY.
Dorothy Deems, in her dove-colored hat, II.
A tall turkey-gobbler, with confident pace, III.
Dorothy fled, but the coal-colored cat, Remember us for job printing.
THE CHILDREN'S ROOM. How peaceful at night LOOK HERE!
Do you want any job printing done at reasonable rates?If you do you should not fail to call and examine our work and prices. All kinds of bill heads, letter heads, envelope heads, name cards, dance tickets and bills. Also mining notices etc. [side 2] LIZZIE.
I wonder ef all wimmin air A young lady wants to know how to make "not enough" out of the word "enough." That is easy. Take the 3d 2d and 1st letters of the word "enough" for the first word, and the 6th, 4th and 5th for the second word and you have something that is "not enough for any young lady."-- Oregon Independent. Place your subscriptions with the Ashland News Stand for any paper or magazine published on earth or any where else. Hasty will haste to get 'em and save you cost of money order and postage. Those of our subscribers whose subscriptions have expired and who do not wish to continue, need not trouble themselves I further about the matter. Our rule is to stop the paper when subscription expires. We do not wish to force it upon anyone. Neither do we want anyone to subscribe ''just to help us along," unless the helping along applies to the subscriber as well. The news does not, and does not wish to subsist on charity. It is presumed that each subscriber is as glad to get the paper as we are to send it. Thus far we are highly pleased with our subscription list, though of course it would, suit us better were it ten times as large. That's human nature. We do not expect to suit everybody. It could be done but we couldn't afford it, for we should have to fold a nice new greenback into some of the papers. But without the greenback -- we are aware that some of our subscribers will not be suited with the general "get up" of the news and may wish it discontinued, even before subscription expires. That is their privilege. And we shall not be in the least bit mortified or broken up; but will keep up our spirits by chanting the rythmic refrain:-- Another name must be scratched from the list,But it is not necessary, after subscription expires, to put the postmaster to the trouble of officially notifying us to stop the paper. CALL [side 3] EDITORIAL COMMENT.
A writer in the Alliance column of a late number of the Record tells us plainly how to vote -- we must vote according to the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. By so doing we would vote in the interest of the workingman. Now we (the A. E.), have been sorely at a loss how to vote when there are so many parties and platforms and principals, and each one the best. So we were glad to get instructions that would enable us to "vote right." We should henceforth have no trouble whatever. Our vote would help out the workingman. As we unfortunately have to earn our bread by the sweat of our face, we should be personally interested. We would post up on those teachings at once. So we hunt up a New Testament, brush the dust from the cover and commence turning over the leaves. We get, along fairly well through the first four chapters of Matthew, though we find some teachings that seem highly impracticable and others that would hardly fit in with nineteenth-century human nature; but in Matt. 5: 25, 38-44 non-resistance is plainly taught. Now the gold-bug monopolists and merciless Shylocks of our country are preying like leeches upon the workingman. They are planning, scheming and combining in order to force him into utter subjection. Did not the latter resist -- and resist right-manfully -- he would soon be in the position of the slave-peasant of an absolute monarchy. Indeed in the case of the wage-workers of America, resistance to such infamous schemes is a virtue and tame acquiescence a crime. So we cannot cast our vote in accord with these teachings. Let us examine further. In Matt. 6: 19, 25-34 we are enjoined against providing for future want. We are told to "Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not neither do they reap, nor gather into barns." We are reminded of the wondrous beauty of the lilies, yet "they toil not neither do they spin." Again, ''Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth.... but lay up... treasures in heaven." A bushel of potatoes, a few heads of cabbage, a sack of flour, a chunk of bacon, a good suit of clothes and a half-dozen silver dollars in his pocket would be treasures indeed to many a workingman now-a-days, and which he would value more than all the gems that line the farther shore. A bird in the hand of a starving man is worth a million in the bush. His all absorbing thought is directed to his present and immediate future wants. Were he improvident and failed to store up the necessaries of life when he is able and has opportunity to do so, he would either have to go hungry when the stormy days come or go -- surreptitiously or otherwise -- around among his neighbors and subsist on what the more provident had stored up; in other words turn himself into a tramp. If we interpret the teachings of Christ aright, they have reference mainly to a preparation for a life to come -- that beyond this the affairs of this life should not engage our serious attention. But as we are here, and as it is the most natural kind of human nature to struggle for life -- physical life -- in this world, we conclude that any teachings that have so little reference to present necessities cannot answer as a life guide to the workingmen of this intensely practical and worldly age. The Populist Gov. Lewelling and state officers of Kansas have accepted a free ride to the World's Fair in a Rock Island train of palace cars. A bad move. So prominent a Populist as Gov. Lewelling should indignantly decline such an invitation, more especially as his party has been charged with reducing the assessment of the Rock Island road nearly $200,000. But no Populist, high or low, should place himself under obligations to any railroad monopoly by accepting free passes. THE "BLIND BEGGAR" DODGE.
M. Berry, who has been charged by the Municipal Council of Paris to study the question of the suppression of vagrancy declares that he has not been able to discover a really blind beggar. Those who go about led by a dog or tapping the pavement with a stick are all impostors. --World. [side 4] TALENT NEWS.
Talent Or. October 1st, 1893.
Last Sunday the good people of Talent were treated to speeches, lectures and sermons enough to keep them thinking for sometime. The Alliance had a grand rally in Beeson's grove on which occasion Gen. Applegate and Prof. M. V. Rork were the orators. The former spoke in the forenoon on "The Present Condition of the Country." A basket dinner was next on the program, after which Prof. Rork in a lengthy speech gave the Populist view of the situation. Gen. Applegate is also a Populist, yet he seems to cherish tender memories of the dear old party under whose banner he received his political training. The General has lost none of his old time vigor and force as an off-hand platform speaker; neither has he forgotten the art of grotesque facial contortion as a means of fixing an idea. Prof. Rork is a forcible and entertaining speaker and perfectly at home with his subject. Having been for thirty years a teacher, he couldn't get along without a blackboard, upon which he rapidly displays diagrams and figures by way of illustrating the financial situation. In this manner he is the more able to show to the average comprehension the true inwardness of the present U. S. banking system. Evidently he is not in love with the McKinley tariff. He has studied out a tariff system of his own, one that would give "protection against the things we do not want and protection for the things we do want." Neither is he an ardent admirer of interest and taxes, pronouncing them the "most infamous feature of our so-called civilization." The speaker presented most gloomy word-pictures of the present hard times. And the struggle is not at its height. If thousands are starving now "what will be the situation in January and February?" He concluded with an eloquent plea for socialism, which dash of oratory, by way of diversion, was all well enough; but time will glide on into the centuries to come, unnumbered generations will come and go and Prof. Rork will have dissolved into a steel engraving long before his splendid ideal state of society will be materialized. It is not intended that the above hefty editorial opinion will seriously discourage our hopeful Alliance friends. In the evening the Professor lectured in the hall on Mental Philosophy. The lecture was intensely interesting to the larger portion of the audience and we regret that space will not permit and extended review in this issue. It will appear in our next. LOCAL ITEMS.
The weather for the last few days has been stormy and cold. Miss. Nelly Towne commenced her school in the South Wagner Creek district last Monday. Rev. J. L. Wood, late of Leavenworth Kansas, will preach in the Baptist church, Talent, on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in each month until further notice. There are several new improvements being made about Talent. Mr. Wyant a new house, Noah Allen a new barn, H. H. Goddard an addition to his house, and J. R. Robison a new kitchen. Arthur Abbott came over from Pokegama Cal., one day last week and made a short visit to relatives and friends. Of course his name is now upon our subscription list. Oscar Holt, principal of the Talent school, made a flying trip to Portland week before last. He left on Friday evening's train and was back to open school Monday morning. J. B. Dyer has bought the planing mill building in Talent and turned it around so that it faces the street. He is going to turn it into a blacksmith shop and store room. The prices offered by local fruit buyers for winter apples this season do not seem to satisfy the orchardmen in this vicinity and they will probably ship them to San Francisco. BORN.
COLEMAN -- Near Phoenix on the 23d inst, to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Coleman, a son. KERBY -- On Anderson creek on the 25th inst. to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kerby, a daughter. NANINGER -- In Talent on the 24th inst, to Mr. and Mrs. Naninger, a daughter. MARRIED.
BARLOW -- NEAL -- Mr. Wm. Barlow and Miss. Minnie Neal, of Talent, were married in Ashland on the 17th inst, by Rev. F. G. Strange. |