[Index of available issues]

VOL. 2. TALENT, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1893. No. 15.

The TALENT NEWS is published the 1st. and 15th. of each month.

One year................ 25 cents
Six months.............. 1/4 of a dollar,
Three months............ Two bits.

Entered at the Talent Post Office as second
class mail matter.

Jennie Brown as a girl
  Was admired by all.
She was not very short,
  She was not very tall.
She was homely, they said,
  In her calico gown.
Jennie Brown, for all that,
  Was the pride of the town.

Jennie Brown went to school
  When she found time to go;
And she studied quite hard
  All her lessons to know.
She resolved to improve
  Every moment in school,
And the wise ones remarked,
  "She is nobody's fool."

Jennie Brown, it was clear,
  Had a warm, loving heart,
If she won a kind word,
  It was without any art.
Most unselfish and true
 Was this dear Jennie Brown:
She for goodness of heart
  Was the pride of the town,

Though Dame Nature denied her
  A beautiful face,
There was something more lovely
  Had taken its place.
'Twas that warm, loving heart,
  So unselfish and true,
Which, forgetting itself,
  Into loveliness grew.

She is now full of years
  But a joy as of yore.
She's the pride of the town
  And a friend of the poor.
Though her hair is now gray.
  And her step is less bold.
In the hearts of her children
  She'll never grow old.

Jennie Brown -- the true-hearted! --
  All bow to her worth;
It is hoped many like her-
  Will gladden the earth.
Such a life is a beacon
  That ever will shine--
Making that which is human
  More like the divine.
                                     --Boston Courier


  The Boston Traveller tells of how an editor lost two subscribers. They wrote to ask him his remedy for their respective troubles. No. 1, a happy father of twins wrote to inquire the best way to get them safely over their teething; and No. 2 wanted to know how to protect his orchard from the myriads of grasshoppers.  The editor framed his answers upon the orthodox lines, but unfortunately transposed their two names, with the result that No. 1, who was blessed with the twins, read in reply to his query: "Cover them carefully with straw and set fire to them, and the little pests, after jumping about in flames a few minutes, will speedily be settled." No. 2, plagued with grasshoppers, was told to "Give a little castor oil and rub their gums gently with a bone ring."


  On account of the financial stringency the members of the seven religious denominations of Ashland, Kan. have agreed to sit in one church, listen to one minister and drop their mites into one box. This will add six clergymen to the great army of unemployed.    Other drought-stricken communities will adopt the same plan. -- World.

  A blue cross on the margin of the paper indicates that your subscription has expired. A prompt renewal chereth ye editor muchly.

[side 2]
Her eyes were soft and dark as night,
  Her raven tresses vying.
I took a seat beside my love,
  And soon I fell to sighing.
She placed her hand within my own--
  What thrills began to quiver
About my heart! She said: ''Dear John,
  What is it makes you shiver?"

I scarcely knew, and so I said.
  "I'm warmer than a cinder;"
And then a daring thought occured--
  Pray, what was there to hinder?--
I bent above her ruby lips
  To steal the tempting blisses.
"Oh, no!" said she, "it cannot be;
  I draw the line at kisses."

The years may come, the years may go,
  I'll ne'er forget our meeting,
Upon her cheek a pretty glow--
  The moments all too fleeting!
Ah, who can tell the royal way
  To manage pretty misses?
Just when you think they love you most
  They draw the line at kisses.
                                    -- Chicago Times.


  David Dudley Field tells us not to join the singular verb, is or was, to the plural nominative, United States. He argues that while the Union is one and the United States government is one, it is a violation of the simplest rules of syntax to call forty-four states, one. All correct, Mr. Field. We have been accustomed to consider United States as a singular nominative; our schoolmams have so taught us, but henceforth "are" goes.

             NEWS OFFICE

Let all young husbands list awhile
  And I will try to tell
The experience of one young man
  And what to him befell.

Six weeks ago his honey moon
  Shed soft and radiant light,
But now with her whom he had wed
  He has begun to fight.

The cause of the unpleasantness
  Was quite his fault you see,
For he had bade her shopping go
  "And send them C. O. D."

Away she went in happy mood
  To get some pretty hats.
A summer dress, 'mong other things,
  And lovely Turkish mats.

She did not have to wait for change,
  And thought it rather nice
To give the name and the address
  And not e'en ask the price.

'Twas thus that his bright honeymoon
  Was 'clipsed in full one day.
What's that you say? "His creditors?"
  Oh, they garnisheed his pay.
                           -- Boston Courier.


  Young Wife -- Why, dear, you were the stroke oar at college, weren't you?
  Young Husband -- Yes, love.
  "And a very prominent member of the gymnastic class?"
  "I was the leader."
  "And quite a hand at all athletic exercises?"
  Quite a hand? My gracious? I was the champion walker, the best runner, the head man at lifting heavy weight and as for carrying -- why, I could shoulder a barrel of flour --
  "Well, love, just please carry the baby a couple of hours.   I'm tired." -- Philadelphia Press.

  Place your subscriptions with the Ashland News Stand for any paper or magazine published on earth or anywhere else.
  Hasty will haste to get 'em and save you cost of money order and postage.

[side 3]

Here is a handful
  Of rhymes about eyes;
Perchance they are truthful,
  Perchance they are lies.

The critics may flout them,
  And vow they are wrong,
But a fig for their censure;
  And here is my song.

Blue eyes for laughter,
  Blue eyes for love,
Blue eyes that borrow
  The azure above.

Green eyes for glory,
  Gray eyes for greed,
Brown eyes for beauty;
  Who runs so may read.

Calm eyes for courage
  When contests begin;
Deep eyes for daring,
  And squint eyes for sin.

Men's eyes for wisdom,
  Maid's eyes for mirth,
Babe's eyes for secrets
  Too sacred for earth.

Look now and listen,
  The last rhyme appears;
Tis young eyes and old eyes
  And all eyes for tears.

These lines that I've ended
  In sorrowful wise,
Think you they are thoughtful,
  Or think you they're lies?
                      -- Commercial Gazette.

  GOOD NEWS -- An exchange reports that an editor, disguised as a preacher, succeeded in passing St. Peter and is now in heaven. The full details of this remarkable affair are not yet in but it seems that the editor, true to the ruling passion, at once commenced rushing around with his cverlasting note book and pencil gathering the cream of the news. which thoughtless proceeding led to his identity. To have a newspaper man among the saints would never do.   He must be ejected.  So a vigilant search was made throughout all the highways and byways of heaven for a lawyer to fix up the necesssiry papers for his ejectment; but no lawyer could be found and the editor holds the fort.


  Perhaps the most common mistake of the lay mind is the association of the dra matic with the conception of death.
  Nothing is more common than to hear from the pulpit pictures in words of excitement, of alarm, of terror, of the deathbeds of those who have not lived religious lives, yet, as a rule, if these pictures are supposed to be those of the unfortunates at the moment of death, they are utterly false. In point  of fact, ninety-nine of of every hundred human beings are unconscious for several hours before death comes to them; all the majesty of intellect, the tender beauty of thought of sympathy or charity, the very love for those for whom love has filled all waking thoughts, disappear.  As a little baby just born into the world is but a little animal, so the sage, the philosopher, the hero or the statesman, he whose thoughts or deeds have writ themselves large in the history of the world, become but dying animals at the last. A merciful unconsciousness sets in as the mysterious force we call life slowly takes leave of its last citadel, the heart, and what is has become what was. This is death.-- Cyrus Edson in North American Review.

  The Oregon Independent, Governor Pennoyer and G. S. Downing, superintendent of the state prison, are having lots of fun down at Salem.  The Independent charges Downing with the worse kind of official crookedness. The governor publishes a statement to the effect that that official is a gentleman and a scholar and the innocent victim of a malicious persecution.  But if Mr. Downing is so pure and spotless, isn't it a little queer that he doesn't accept the cordial invitation of the Independent to bring a libel suit against its publishers?


Do you want any job printing done at reasonable rates?

  If you do you should not fail to call and examine our work and prices.

All kinds of bill heads, letter heads, envelope heads, name cards, dance tickets and bills. Also mining notices etc.

[side 4]

TALENT  Or.    September   lst,   1893.


Social dance in the hall to-morrow night.

  Harry Gender returned from San Francisco last Tuesday evening.

  Miss. Clara Lynch is up from Dunsmuir on a visit.

  Robt. Purves returned home last Sunday from Willows, California.

  The Conwill brothers have moved into Chas. Harvey's house north of Talent.

  H. H. Goddard will administer upon the estate of the late B. C Goddard.

  Edith Coleman, daughter of M. H. Coleman, has been very ill with Malaria for several days, but is now recovering.

  Mrs. Crit. Tollman arrived from her home in Alaska last Sunday on a visit to relatives and friends.

  Jack Lovelady started for Crescent City last week with a load of fruit and vegetables.

  Jeff. Davison's thresher has quit for this season, having broke a valve on the engine.

  Big Jim Briner and Rush Glanden are camped at the cinabar on Applegate prospecting.

  Notwithstanding the scarcity of silver there was quite a sprinkling of Wagner creekers at the circus last Saturday.

  School will commence in the Talent school house the second Monday of this month.

  Report has it that there is a deadly conflict going on between the people of Talent and the planing mill fleas.   The fleas still hold the fort.

  A. W. Clemens, who has lately had a cancer removed from his lip, thinks the operation successful so far as the cancer is concerned.  His general health, however, does not improve as he was led to think it would.

  There was quite a sensation in Talent last Sunday over a report of a deadly conflict between cattle and sheep men over on Applegate and that three men were killed; but as one of the "killed" rode past our office since then, we conclude it was a big scare just to help out the hard times.

  Rev. Robert Sherill preached at the Beeson grove last Sunday at 11 a. m. and 4 p. m. Basket dinner between services. The speaker takes a mournful view of the present hard times; thinks they are growing worse and will continue to grow worse and that all efforts of man are powerless to alleviate the present distress.
   We consider such gloomy utterances decidely harmful. True, the times are a little out of joint, but we will bet all the available cash assets of the News ($1.34) that affairs in general will be all O. K. in less than six months.

  Oscar Holt, son of John Holt, of Talent, has been engaged as principal of the Talent school for the winter term. Miss. Zella Cheney, of Lake county, Cal., will have charge of the primary department. Mr. Holt is well known in this community as a young man of high moral character and, from the success he has had elsewhere in teaching, is believed to be thoroughly qualified for the position.

  Several years ago Mr. Holt and ye associate editor bore the relation of pupil and teacher, but we strongly suspect that that relation might properly be reversed about this time.

  Miss. Cheney has had several years experience in conducting primary departments and possesses the rare merit of securing the highest respect and obedience on the part of her pupils, which is absolutely essential to success in imparting instruction. The general opinion is that the directors have exercised excellent judgement in the matter of securing teachers and there is little doubt that we shall have a firstclass school for the win-ter.

Near Medford on the 25th inst, to the wife of Henry Hansen a son.


  At the Colver residence in Phoenix, on the 30, inst, Prof. Gus. Newbery of Jacksonville, to Miss. Nellie Rose of Phoenix.
  Prof. Newbery is well known as one of the leading educators of this part of the state, at present holding a prominent position in the Ashland schools. The bride is also an excellent teacher and will teach in the Bish district the coming winter.

  The News joins their many friends in wishing them a long and happy life.

Weeks Bros. for furniture.

[Index of available issues]