TALENT NEWS. The TALENT NEWS is published the 1st. and 15th. of each month. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Entered at the Talent Post Office as second THERE'S NO DEARTH OF KINDNESS. There's no dearth of kindness There's no dearth of kindness As the wild rose bloweth, There's no dearth of kindness The News for job printing. FROM COOKS LOGGING CAMP. Work has commenced in dead earnest and the logs are being put into the river rapidly. Nearly a million feet have been put in during the last two weeks. The logs are hardly allowed, to stop from the time they leave the woods until they reach the mill. They are first taken by the big wheels to the railroad, then loaded onto the cars which take them to the chute, then away they go down the chute at the rate of two miles a minute. In about 15 seconds from the time they leave the cars they are floating down the river to the mill at Pokegama. The chute was built at a great expense but it can not be considered a very great success, as it has been constantly breaking and causing frequent stoppages for repairs. The big wheels are not in use very much on this coast and to
one who never saw them work, they appear to be a very queer means of
lugging, but the work they do proves that they are more profitable than
any other means, as much as seventy thousand feet being hauled to the
railroad in a day by four men and four horses. C. W. S.
[We shall be glad, to hear from C. W. S. again. Ed.] TALENT CHURCH NOTICES. Baptist Church -- Baptist services will be held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in each month, morning and evening; Rev. A. J. Stevens, pastor. Methodist services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays, morning and evening; Rev. Dr. Kahler, pastor.Endeavor Society every Sunday evening; Bible class and prayer meeting Thursday evening of each week. Dunkard Church -- Services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, morning and evening, Rev. David Brower, pastor. If you want a pair of boots or shoes that will exactly suit
you as to price, quality and fit, go to Tayler, The Foot-fitter,
Medford, Oregon. If you can't get suited there, you may as well give it
up and go barefoot or wear moccasins the balanee of your life. [side 2] YOU CHEERED ME ON. To you, dear friend, I owe a debt When others mocked my lack of skill When others sought to clip the
With which I tried to soar, And bade me think of other things To profit me no more, You bade me doff the sable plume, And brighter colors don, And raised me from the depths of gloom, And nobly cheered me on. O blest the friends that lift us up On arms of love each day, Who put some sweetness in life's cup, And help us on our way; Who in our efforts sympathize Nor foibles dwell upon, And whisper: "that way honor lies!" And kindly cheer us on. Josephine Polland, in N.Y.
There are two resident ministers in Talent, Rev. A. J.
Stevens, and Elder David Brower, and we are pleased to state that each
can preach or plow -- grace the pulpit or make a hand in a potato patch. It was feared a month ago that the peach crop would be a failure in this part of the valley, but the peaches are here and in such quantities that much labor is required in thinning the trees. THE MARCHIN' OF THE MULES. While they're jawin' there, at Washin'ton, an' waitin' for a
place, You can hear us in the mornin', at the very peep o' day -- Atlanta Constitution.
Know, all ye people, that the Talent News is no longer the smallest paper in the county. Another candidate for public favor has lately appeared in Ashland, called the Ashland Advertiser, edited by W. Y. Crowson, which is 9x12 inches and four pages. It is issued monthly at 25 cents a year. Though small it is bright, clean and newey and may grow as rapidly as did Jonah's mushroom of old. Place your subscriptions with the Ashland News Stand for any paper or magazine published on earth or any where else. Hasty, will haste, to get 'em and save you cost of money order and postage. It may have been noticed by the critical that it would be
difficult to ascertain in what town and state the TALENT NEWS is
published, solely by an examination of the paper itself. Persons in
Europe, South America, Asia and other foreign countries who receive
sample copies of the NEWS might be puzzled as to whether "Talent" is
the name of some locality near Boston, perhaps, or has reference to
that rare article, traces of which art sometimes found in the brains of
editors, doctors, lawyers, school teachers and perhaps preachers and
politicians. It is sad to reflect that our subscription list may be
several hundred names short of what it would have been had the name of
the town and state been given at the head of the paper. But it is never
too late to mend. Henceforth there will be no difficulty in finding the
address of the leading paper of Talent, Jackson county Oregon, U. S. A. [side 3] THE SUMMER POET AND THE FOURTH. We were becoming tired of having our summer poet continue on in his Rip Van Winkle sleep, merely rousing up two or three times a year to write a few verses and draw his salary; so by the aid of a smelling bottle, we roused the sleeping bard and, informing him that the glorious Fourth was close at hand, mildly but firmly suggested that he get a move on and do a little versification suitable to the occasion, A liberal dose of stimulating beverage started his thoughts; sychron-ously his lips moved, accompanied with an upward turn of the eyes as if looking for something on the ceiling, and we hurried to note: "Behold the American eagle
Perched on a crag so high, Each piercing eye dazzling Like a diamond in the"-- "That won't do," we interrupted; "You've got two stories mixed. Joggle your brains a little more and try again." A generous sup of the cheering beverage and-- "Breathes there a soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said, This is my own my native land?'' "Stop! That's borrowed. We want something original. No
rehashing of old
worn out rhymes for a progressive journal like the NEWS. You must do
better than that." "Ill fares the land "Hold! 'Twill never do to print that. 'Twould offend the millionaires of Talent. They might withdraw their patronage from the NEWS and thus cause a direct loss to us of from seven to ten cents a year. Besides you're quoting again from Shakespeare, Pope, Walt Whitman, Ella Wheeler Wilcox or some other ancient poet. Give us something fresh and right up to the times." A yawn or two and our bard drawled out, "Ye festive youth of Talent, "Stop at once! That 'iI never do. The boys would never thank us for
printing predictions of such a gloomy outcome to their youthful
exuberance. Let the boys have a good time. Let them enjoy their
boiled-egg dinners 'neath the "There is a boy in Talent town "Great scot! We'll have you arrested for cruelty to editors if you continue to torture us in this manner. Get down to business or we'll send you to Spookland in five minutes. Give us something that 'll be just the thing for a fourth of July orator to start off with." And he did. "Fellow citizens! Hear me for my cause and cease your everlasting gabble and" peanut eating that you may hear. I came not hear to talk. Ye know too well the story of our downfall. We are slaves -- base ignoble slaves: slaves to [a] horde of flour bin speculators who sold us county rights for $400 each and took our notes, secured by mortgages on our humble homes. We were told that we could sell flour bins to honest, unsophisticated house-wives at $6.50 each, thereby clearing 500 per cent. We are left -- barely left! Let the alliance rally and do bloody work among--" "Hold! That won't do. Those flour bin fellows would be up here to lick the editor, and we should be arrested for homicide. Try again." "In days of old when I was young, ''Too gloomy! Won't do. Come now, our patience is about exhausted." The bard routed up once more and with a look of unutterable melancholy depicted on his countenance, slowly muttered,-- "With sorrow do I say it, The poet had become exhausted by these efforts and relapsed
unconsciousness. Hartshorn had no further effect and we left him to his
dreams. [side 4] TALENT NEWS. Mrs. Andrew Wilcox has been very ill for several days with rheumatism. Waldo Klum has gone to Klamath county to remain for the summer. Price Fowler and family left for Boise City, Idaho on Monday of last week. Frank Lovelady is home from Kern county, Cal. Too much fever and ague down there to suit him. Keep it before the public that Weeks Bros., Phoenix, or at their sale rooms in Medford, is the place to buy all kinds of furniture at lowest prices. Joseph Robison, whose, leg was amputated about two weeks ago is getting along remarkably well. S. Sherman and wife and daughter Alice started on a trip to the coast on Friday of last week. Wella Beeson and Grant and Carl Rawlings are on a pleasure
trip to Cresent City. Mrs. Sarah Harris, of Ashland, has been visiting friends in Phoenix and Talent the past week. She leaves in a few days for Sisson, Cal., where she will make her home for an indefinite time. That painful disease, neuralgia, with which J. E. Foss has suffered many years has seriously affected one of his eyes. He was down recently to have it examined by Dr. Geary. Officers of Progress Alliance, elected at the last regular meeting and to serve for the next six months: S. H. Dunlap, President; Luella Sherman, Vice President; J. C. Alien, Secretary; N. D. Brophy, Financial Secretary; Nellie Foss, Treasurer; S. Carlile, Chaplain; A. J. Wilcox, Lecturer; Emma Abbott, Steward; Reno Goddard, Door Keeper; Jessie Beeson, Assistant Door Keeper; Mrs. J. E. Foss and Mrs. Elizabeth Breese, Supreme Council. The South Wagner Creek school closed yesterday with an enjoyable picnic. Following is the report of the teacher: Report of South Wagner creek school for the term commencing April 10th, 1893 and ending May 30th, 1893. Whole number of pupils enrolled, 34. Following are the names of those who have not been absent during the term: Willie Beaver, Freddie Goddard, Charlie Phelps, Rolla Phelps, Henry Veit, Willie Veit, Annie Beever, Laura Phelps, Mary Neal and Minnie Robison. Following are the names of those who averaged 80 or over in the closing examination: Luther Allen, Freddie Goddard, Charlie Phelps, Willie Phelps, Rolla Phelps, Delbert Goddard, Henry Veit, Willie Veit, Annie Beever, Minnie Robison, Rachel Beever, Carrie Beever, Edith Coleman. Grace Hogue, Laura Phelps, and Mary Neal. NELLY TOWNE, Teacher.
One day recently Lilla and Della Abbott, aged 11 and 9 years, were engaged in the enjoyable pastime of playing ''Indian." To make the sport more exiting the former fished out a small pistol from her brother's trunk and proeeeded to "do up" her antagonist in a manner that wonld have done credit to Sontag and Evans. Pointing the weapon at her sister and pulled the trigger, the ball taking effect near the collar bone of the left shoulder and ranging downward beneath the skin, lodged just below the shoulder blade whence it was easily removed by Mr. Abbott. Only a slight wound was produced, But the girls were terribly frightened. It is necessary to state that the girls didn't think the pistol was loaded. Our readers can fix up their own moral. The Central Point News prints a letter verbatim ad literatim, from a "Poples party man" in which there is an indirect insinuation that The News is "for sail" etc. Well, we hope the writer used the right word after all and that The News will continue to be "for sail" on schedule time each week. So far it has not failed to "sail" to this office regularly and it is a welcome visitor. Furthermore we hope that the correspondent referred to will "sail" in and write some more. His letters are valuable contributions to literature.