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VOL. 2. MAY 15, 1893. NO. 8.

The TALENT NEWS is published the 1st. and l5th. of each month.

One year................ 25 cents
Six months.............. 1/4 of a dollar,
Three months............ Two bits.

Entered at the Talent Post Office as second
class mail matter.


At the meeting on the 28th ult the following officers were elected for the ensuing quarter: H. H. Goddard, President, S. M. Robison, Vice-President; Blin Coleman, Secretary; John Briner, Treasurer: W. J. Dean, Marshal.

On the. evening of the 5th inst, the question for discussion was: "Resolved that there is more happiness in single, than in married life." The negative "came-down" on the audience with round after round of persuasive oratory, the speakers brandishing their arms and waltzing about the floor in a manner worthy of the great cause they were defending, and as a majority of the judges were married persons, we were in fair way to cabbage the whole business had not the principal on the affirmative in her closing speech, knocked the judges clear over on the other side at one fell swoop by reading the following verses, which our short-hand reporter took down on the spot:--


  Sing a song of cleaning house,
    Pocket full of nails;
  Four-and-twenty dust-pans,
    Scrubbing broom and pails;
  When the door is open,
    Wife begins to sing:

  "Just help me move this wardrobe here,
  And hang this picture, won't you, dear?
  And tack the carpet by the door,
  And stretch this one a little more,
  And drive this nail and screw this screw,
  And here's a job I have for you --
  The cupboard door will never catch,
  I think you'll have to fix the latch;
  And, oh, while you're about it, John,
  I wish you'd put the cornice on
  And hang this curtain; and when you're done
  I'll hand you up the other one;
  This box has got to have a hinge
  Before I can put on the fringe;
  And won't you mend that broken chair?
  I'd like a hook put right up there;
  The wardrobe door must have a knob;
  And here's another little job --
  I really hate to ask you, dear,
  But could you fix a bracket here?"

  And on it goes, when these are through,
  And this and that and those to do.
  An infinitum, and more, too,
    All in a merry jingle.
  And isn't that enough to make
    A man wish he were single? (Almost.)


BAPTIST CHURCH -- Baptist services will be on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in each month, morning and evening; Rev. A. J. Stevens, pastor.

Methodist services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays, morning and evening; Rev. Dr. Kahler.

Endeavor Society every Sunday evening;
Bible class and prayer meeting Thursday evening of each week.

DUNKARD CHURCH -- Services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, morning and evening, Rev. David Brower, pastor.

      AT THE

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Welborn Beeson, a brief account of whose untimely death on April 29th. was given in last issue of the NEWS, was born in La Salle county, Illinois. July 22nd, 1836. His parents were natives of England but had resided many years in the United States and were thoroughly imbued with the spirit of American institutions. In 1853, Welborn, with his parents crossed the plains to Oregon, arriving at what was then known as Fort Wagner in August of that year. Soon after, his father purchased Mr. Walton's claim on Wagner creek, including the crops, paying therefore $1500 and moved onto the same on the 6th of September following. On this farm the subject of this memoir lived the remainder of his life.

In 1866 he married Mary C. Brophy. Four sons and four daughters survive him, as follows in the order of their ages: Emmette, Welborn Jr., Jessie E., John D., Fannie E., Annie W., Kate and Carl R.; the eldest being 26 and the youngest 4 years of age.

Mr. Beeson was a self-taught surveyor and did considerable local work in that line. He took an active part in politics, more particularly in that of his own county, never adhering very closely to old parties but casting his influence on the side of reform movements, being at the time of his death an enthusiastic Populist.

He was remarkably plain and unassuming in his manners and was wont to use vigorous terms in denunciation of "style" and display as indicative of weak minds and a lack of a decent regard for the feelings of others. It is said of him that when a boy in school he could not be induced to wear better clothing than that worn by his less favored school fellows, nor would he permit dainties to be placed in his dinner pail for he could [not] relish them while so many of his school mates were obliged to partake of plainer fare. He took an active part in the Rogue river Indian troubles, but always counseled moderation and insisted that the conduct of the whites should be tempered with the spirit of humanity in the treatment of the Indians, although such "Quaker sentiments" were dangerously unpopular with the majority of the early pioneers.

During the War of the Rebellion he was appointed 2nd lieutenant in a company of Oregon volunteers but his regiment was never called out of the county.

He was a member of the Southern Oregon Pioneer Society and was closely identified with the early history of Jackson county, taking much pride in its growth and development. He kept a daily memorandum of important local events from 1851 to the day of his death, and in addition to this, being possessed of a wonderful memory there is little doubt that he could have given more accurate and reliable information concerning the pioneer history of Rogue river valley than could be furnished by any other individual. I am told that his diary has been on several occasions produced in court to supply evidence relating to important dates and incidents. It is very voluminous and, if printed, which its importance would warrant, would make a book of hundreds of pages of reading matter which could not fail to interest every resident of Jackson county. To hear him relate, in his off-hand, animated manner, reminiscences of pioneer times was an enjoyable treat. Names, dates, places and incidents were ever fresh in his memory and he could hold the rapt attention of a group of listeners for hours.

For several years past he suffered much from ill healh. His heart was seriously affected, requiring the giving up of all hard work and anxious care.

At times during the past winter he seemed to have premonitions that his life was drawing to a close. A few months ago he intimated such fears to the writer, and, being fully impressed that the latter would survive him, exacted a promise that he would make the address at his grave. In response to such request the writer paid the follow faint tribute to his memory:--

"How true it is that in the midst of life we are in death. And, too, how fortunate for our mental peace that our vision cannot penetrate the veil that hangs between us and the future.

Who could wish it possible to behold the terrible specter, Death, as he comes to claim his victim? The future is unfolded fast enough. Indeed the future merges into the present and glides into the past too rapidly for most of us. A few hours ago, our friend, who now lies before us in the cold embrace of death, was unusually cheerful, bouyant in spirit and was even planning pleasure excursions for the summer months. Having given his working oar into hands more able for the stroke, he was preparing to enjoy as well as his indifferent health would permit, the few remaining years that might be left him.

I had the pleasure of knowing many of the inner thoughts of the deceased -- thoughts that were seldom uttered unless they were likely to strike responsive chords. One was that we should always be prepared to live, for if we are prepared to live we shall need no preparation for

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death. Such a thought is ever an incentive to an honest, upright life.

It one is conscious of having committed an evil deed, if he be a reasoning being, he would not, he could not feel ready to leave the world until he had committed good deeds enough to at least balance his moral book account. So to be prepared to live is is to be ready to die.

That it was the constant endeavor of the deceased to follow, this rule in life there can be no doubt; and to those who knew him best, there is as little doubt that he succeeded as well as poor erring mortals are ever likely to succeed.

He was eminently altruistic in his nature. His thoughts, his wishes, his charities were not wholly narrowed to the circle of his own household. They extended to his friends, his neighbors, and even to the world at large.

Sympathetic in nature he was especially self-sacrificing in his efforts to aid the suffering and afflicted.

He had faith in the progressive spirit of humanity and took a cheerful view of the world's future. He believed that not only individuals, but communities, states and nations are largely the carvers of their own fortunes, holding their destinies in their own control; that this fact is becoming more and more understood as general intelligence increases and per consequence the world is growing better. The occasional retrogressions are only temporary and serve as useful lessons. Therefore one of our greatest duties is to aid in the spread of intelligence.

To this end he was an unceasing advocate of good schools. No expense or sacrifice was too great if directed towards the education of the young. So in the death of Welborn Beeson our schools lose a generous supporter and defender. He was an affectionate husband, an indulgent father, a kind neighbor and a true friend.

Concerning religion, as is generally known, the deceased was an agnostic.

He believed in the here and the now.

He did not waste his energies and exertions in a vain reach for ideal objects beyond this life.

To him speculations as to a future life might do to amuse or interest and idle fancy -- might furnish an opportunity for the flight of an active imagination, but to devote the main energies of a lifetime to a consideration of the unknown and unknowable, would be worse than a life thrown away.

It is thought by some that Mr. Beeson inclined to a belief in spiritualism but such is not the case. He did not deny the genuineness of certain psycological phenomena that go under the name of spiritualism, but that such phenomena are produced by disembodied spirits was too much for his credence. He has often declared spiritualism to be a "very pretty theory" and did not wonder that many who did not take the trouble to reason carefully should accept it, but he preferred to wait for scientific explanation, fully believing that science would yet solve the interesting but perplexing problem and that it would become as thoroughly understood and as much under our control as electricity or magnetism is now.

The deceased was a genuine philanthropist, ever ready to lend material aid towards any public improvement. On such lines his thoughts were far in advance of the time. He would have had splendid country roads and magnificently equipped school houses. Such an influence will be sadly missed, but --

  "To live in hearts we leave behind
  Is not to die."

Years hence, when we are turning over the pages of the past and recall to recollection scenes and associations of the long ago, the name of Welborn Beeson will come vividly to mind and we shall drop a tear to his memory.       W. J. Dean.


  All nature dies and lives again;
    The flower that paints the field.
  The trees that grace the mountain's brow.
    And boughs and blossoms yield.

  Resign the honors of their term
    At winter's stormy blast,
  And leave the naked, leafless plain
    A desolated waste.

  Yet soon reviving plants and flowers
    Anew shall deck the plain.
  The woods shall hear the voice of spring,
    And flourish green again.

  So man, although he fades away,
    Lives in another race.
  And each doth till his little round
    Of life, of time, and space.   -- Abner Kneeland.

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May 15th. 1893.

The Rev. Ira Wakefield has left the Alliance. It seems that he was desirous of making it an out-and-out political organization in name as well as in fact.

Well, isn't Wakefield consistent? The Alliance is generally recognized as the "mamma bear" of the third party. So far as and outsider can "catch on" to its methods, it thinks party, talks party and votes party. Any Alliance member would have to be a genius in the use of words to successfully give the public an opposite impression. True the rules of the order forbid the discussion of partisan politics, but why not wedge in a new article or two, or strike out a few old ones, then go it full length on partisan or any other kind of politics?

A blue cross on the margin of the paper indicates that your subscription has expired. A prompt renewal cheereth ye editor muchly.

Geo. Dewey left for Dunsmuir, Cal., on the 7th. inst, with the intention of going into the blacksmith business in that town.

His wife will follow in a few days. They will take the boy along.

J. W. Aid came in from Pokegama on the 3rd on a short visit to relations and friends. He has purchased the Logan photographic outfit which he takes back with him. He had some fine views, which he had taken, of the log-chute on the Klamath, the dam at Pokegama and others. Mr. Aid is an artist of no mean ability. He returned last Saturday.

Don't forget that E. M. Deauvaul is the Talent shoemaker, and does his work up in good shape, for moderate prices.

At the special school meeting last Saturday, called for the purpose of voting a tax to build an addition to the school house, 5 voted for and 14 against the tax.

The meeting was called for one o'clock but several that had not carefully examined the notices thought two o'clock the time and arrived too late to take a hand in the voting. It is not probable that the tax could have been carried anyway, yet it strikes us that the affair was rushed through with undue haste as all the business had been transacted and the meeting dismissed before two o'clock. A motion to discuss the tax question before voting was promptly voted down. J. B. Dyer was elected clerk to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Welborn Beeson.


BORN. On the 5th inst, to the wife of Fred Dyer, a son.

Emmette Beeson and family returned to their mountain ranch last Friday, having spent several days in the valley.

A slight rain yesterday, making good the old notion that if it rains on Easter Sunday it will rain for seven consecutive Sundays.

Several interesting extracts from the old diaries of the late Welborn Beeson will appear in our next.

It was proposed to hold an entertainment at the Baptist church on the evening of Decoration day to raise, funds for the benefit of the Talent cemetery. Has it fallen through with?

Place your subscriptions with the Ashland News Stand for the various papers and magazines which you desire to take and you will save cost of money-order and postage.

Rev. E. E. Thompson and Dr. Kahler, the Moody and Sankey of Jackson county, are conducting a series of revival meetings at Talent. If, as has been alleged, converts "regularly freeze up" during the warm season, this may be a wise move.

For reliable Fire Insurance, in first-class companies, farmers should call on E. V. Carter at Bank of Ashland. Rates Low.


[Index of available issues]