[Index of available issues]

VOL. 2. MAY 1, 1893. NO. 7.

The TALENT NEWS is published the 1st. and l5th. of each month.

One year................ 25 cents
Six months.............. 1/4 of a dollar,
Three months............ Two bits.

Entered at the Talent Post Office as second
class mail matter.

George Eliot's religious belief was never distinctly understood by the world at large. In the following lines, which have been pronounced as beautiful as any to be found in the English language, the famous author has given an inkling of her views.--



O may I join the choir invisible
Of these immortal dead who live again
In minds made better by their presence; live
In pulses stirred to generosity,
In deeds of daring rectitude, in scorn
For miserable aims that end with self,
In thoughts sublime that pierce the night like stars,
And with their mild persistence urge man's search
To vaster issues.

      So to live is heaven;
To make undying music in the world,
Breathing as beauteous order controls
With growing away the growing life of man
So we inherit that sweet purity
For which we struggled, failed, and agonized
With widening retrospect that bred despair,
Rebellious flesh that would not be subdued,
A vicious parent shaming still its child,
Poor anxious penitence, is quick dessolved;
Its discords, quenched by meeting harmonies,
Die in the large and charitable air,
And all our rarer, better truer self,
That sobbed religiously in yearning son[g],
That watched to ease the burden of the world,
Laboriously tracing what must be,
And what may yet be better -- saw within
A worthier image for the sanctuary,
And shaped it forth before the multitude
Divinely human, raising worship so
To higher reverence more mixed with love --
That better self shall live till human Time
Shall fold its eyelids, and the human sky
Be gathered like a scroll within the tomb
Unread forever.

      This is the life to come
Which martyred men have made more glorious
For us who strive to follow. May I reach
That purest heaven, be to other souls
The cup of strength in some great agony,
Enkindle generous ardor, feed pure love,
Beget the smiles that have no cruelty --
Be the sweet presence of a good diffused,
And in diffusion ever more intense.
So shall I join the choir invisible
Whose music is the gladness of the world.


BAPTIST CHURCH -- Baptist services will held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in each month, morning and evening; Rev. A. J. Stevens pastor.

Methodist services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays, morning and evening; Rev. Dr. Kahler, pastor.

Endeavor Society, every Sunday evening. Bible class, and prayer meeting Thursday evening of each week.

DUNKARD CHURCH -- Services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, morning and evening, Rev. David Brower, pastor.


First Artist -- Have you heard of Pallete's misfortune?
Second Artist -- No, what is it?
First Artist -- He painted a realistic picture of a beefsteak and his dog ate it up. -- Chicago New Record.

[side 2]



The first bear that Trailer ever treed was on Griffin creek near the old home ranch. I was living on the place then about one hundred and fifty yards north of the old farm house, where my sister was living at the time. One night in the month of June '82 I had just gone to bed, when my sister came running down and called to me to get up as she thought a bear had caught a hog up above the house, as she heard one squealing. I hurried out as quickly as possible, grabbed my gun and ran up to the house where both dogs, Trailer, then a young dog a little over a year old, and Lion, a cur that had been in one bear fight and got the worst of it, were lying; but neither had heard nor scented the bear on account of being on the opposite side of the house from where he was. I called them out at once and as soon they got around to the other side they scented the bear and away they went; the bear had already "racked" out.

Neither dog barked nor made any noise until they got to the place where the bear had been, when Trailer immediately took up the track and started after him yelping at every jump, but old Lion, remembering his former experience, stopped and commenced to bark, afraid to go farther.

I broke and ran as fast as I could and as soon as I got near enough shouted at him and urged him to go. When he found out I was coming he racked out, but Trailer had already got at least a half-mile the start of him and was just going over the hill out of hearing. I waited then until I heard the old dog across the hill when I turned down towards the creek to the wagon road as I supposed that the bear would probably tree somewhere near the creek. I had not gone far when I was joined by John S. Miller, an old bear hunter, who was cool as a cucumber while I was all excitement.

We did not go far until we heard both dogs barking furiously and knew by the bark that Bruin was treed. We quickened our steps then, Miller all the tune cautioning me to go slow, as, if we made much racket the bear might hear us and come down. We soon reached the tree and, sure enough, there he was, a large brown bear clinging to the side of a big pine. It was now about 10 o'clock but the stars were shining brightly and we could plainly see the bear. Of course I wanted to shoot and so did Miller, but finally I gave my gun over to him as he was an old bear hunter. He took deliberate aim and blazed away with such precision that old Bruin came down on the double quick and away he went with both dogs at his heels. He didn't go far however, until they brought him up again, this time in a dead fir. I look the gun which Miller seemed to be willing to give up and went over to the tree. The bear was up about 30 or 40 feet and as there were no limbs to bother I could see him plainly, so I pulled away without stopping to study over consequences. At the crack of the gun he fell over backwards and down he came, landing in the brush below. The dogs attacked him furiously but there was no fight left in the bear as the bullet had passed through the heart killing him so dead, that he never knew what hurt him. We dressed him and hung him up, then went back to the house and to bed but, as may be imagined, I was too excited to sleep much.

I was now sure that I had a bear dog, something I had wanted for years. In this I was not mistaken as the career of Trailer has proved him to be one of the best bear dogs ever known in this or any other country. An account of the bear hunts, in which he was engaged would make a good sized book; and if you wish it and think it would interest your readers I will give at some future time an account of other bear fights that Trailer and I have "enjoyed" together -- particularly the last, or one-hundred and eighth bear scrape in which the poor old fellow participated.

Place your subscriptions with the Ashland News Stand for the various papers and magazines which you desire to take and you will save cost of money-order and postage.

The Rev. Robert Sherrill, a "Soul-sleeper" clergyman, has been preaching or lecturing in the U. M. L. Hall, of course with the object of getting people to thinking his way. Baptists, Methodists, Dunkards, Seventh-day Adventists, Seventh-day Baptists, Agnostics and Spiritualists, each have quite a number of adherents in our community, but as competition is the great stimulant in every department of human endeavor, we should not object to a "right smart sprinkling" of Soul-sleepers, Campbellites, Presbyterians, United Brethren, Christian Scientists, Swedenborgians, Lutherans, Occultists, Unitarians, Episcopalians, Catholics, etc, etc, ad libitum.

Don't forget that E. M. Deauvaul is the Talent shoemaker, and does his work up in good shape, for moderate prices.

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The dedication of the great Mormon temple in Salt Lake City on the 6th ult, recalls a visit by the writer to that city in the spring of 1874. On that occasion, in the role of a newspaper correspondent, I interviewed Elder Pinnock of the Mormon church and in company with that prominent saint visited the temple, the walls of which had then reached a height of about nine feet. As we sauntered along on the top of the massive wall, looking down upon the workmen, he gave me much interesting information concerning the whole affair. I learned that shortly after the Mormons had reached that "land of promise," Brigham Young received a command from Heaven to build a magnificent "temple to the Lord." The size and many of the details in its construction were also given in the command. It was to be forty years in building and at its completion Christ was to appear and reign on earth, with headquarters in the beautiful temple. It seems however that a timely revelation has been received informing the saints that the time of Christ's coming had been posponed for a season -- probably on account of the un-looked for wickedness of the people. The following, quoted from the writer's published letters at the time will be found to differ somewhat from recent accounts, as to size of temple etc. --

"The demensions of the temple are 100 by 186 feet. The walls are eight feet thick, constructed of huge smoothly-faced blocks of granite. The cement used in laying the walls is made from a recipe given to Brigham in a revelation. Mr. Pinnock told me that blocks of granite united with this cement would break in pieces before separating where joined.

This building was commenced in 1853, twenty-one years ago. About fifty workmen have been employed constantly upon it. Seventy are at present at work. The number is to be increased this summer to one hundred and fifty. It has already cost $2,000,000, and when fully completed will reach, it is estimated, the snug little sum of $10,000,000. I inadvertently expressed a doubt that the building would ever be completed. My Mormon guide looked at me with astonishment. "Most certainly it will be finished," said he; "we usually accomplish what we undertake," -- which it must be admitted, is too true.

What has materially added to the cost of this structure can be understood from the following incident: A few years after it was commenced Brigham had a revelation from the Lord, to the effect that a portion of the wall was not laid on a solid foundation. In consequence it was necessary to remove nearly the whole wall, for the revelation did not designate the particular spot. But finally an astonishing discovery was made -- the trunk of a huge tree was found imbedded in the earth at the bottom of the excavation, which is 17 feet deep. This log would in time decay, and suffer that portion of the wall above it to settle. Had the excavation been made a few inches deeper at first it would have saved not only an enormous expense but the necessity of a revelation. It is truly wonderful to what extent Mormons can be humbugged by their leaders.''   D.

As our age, or perhaps we should say our want of age, renderers us ineligible to membership in the Alliance, and as our associate editor, regular and special reporters and summer poet have too little style about their clothes to confirm to the requirements of the constitution and by-laws of the order, we find it difficult to obtain reliable information concerning important alliance doings. We have about concluded to employ a special spook reporter for such work. If we do our readers may look out for startling disclosures.

From our special reporter.
J. W. Prayter, who died in Ashland last week from the effect of cancer on the lip, was a former resident of Talent. He suffered intense agony from the disease for more than two years, during which time he tried a number of celebrated cancer doctors but to no avail. He attributed the cause of the cancer to a slight cut received while in a barbers chair. It is very dangerous to patronize a public barber where the razors are used by the promiscuous public as many incurable diseases are propagated in that way.

A blue cross on the margin of the paper indicates that your subscription has expired. A prompt renewal cheereth ye editor muchly.

  What is the most thrilling tale known?
  The rattlesnake's.

  Which is the easiest profession? Divinity, because it is easier to preach than to practice.   -- Ex.

For reliable Fire Insurance in first-class companies, farmers should call on E. V. Carter at Bank of Ashland. Rates low.

[side 4]


Mr. Livermore, president of the American River Mining and Lumber Co., their time-keeper Mr. Hall, G. W. Marsh, foreman of the River crew, and the three Mr. Cooks of the company visited our camp one day this week.

"The beautiful" snow that has made its presence so conspicuous in our affairs for so many days and weeks, is now all gone and the common laborer of this camp wears a much brighter smile in consequence.

If the present good weather continues a few days longer the roads will be sufficiently dried that the company can have their engine hauled from Pokegama and placed in position on their Log-Railway that extends from the chute four miles back into the big pine timber. J.
Allen Abbott left last Thursday for Oregon City, Or. to remain a few days, then go on to Vancouver Wash.

H. Kenney formerly of Medford has been visiting friends in the valley.

Born -- April 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Dewey a son.

Capt. Wash Rawlins and family of Iowa have moved to Talent and rented a house of J. Rapp to live in for the summer. They brought their house-hold goods and six head of mules with them.

Robt. Purves, formerly of this place, who has been employed on Applegate for the winter, came home a few days ago. He started the past morning for Cal. to work through the summer. Bob is an industrious young man aud we wish him good luck.


Welborn Beeson died suddenly of heart-failure at 10:30 o'clock A.M. on Saturday last. He was about a quarter of a mile back of his house measuring wood when without warning he was seized with a severe pain near the heart and sank away, but under the effect of stimulants soon rallied and attempted to reach the house. He had gone but a part of the way when he was again prostrated and died in a few minutes. O. A. Stearns, F. M. Jordan and E. M. Dauvaul who had been cutting wood for Mr. Beeson were with him and as Mr. Beeson and Mr. Dauvaul had just been engaged in a dispute about the payment for the wood cutting, the circumstances were such as to require a coroners inquest, which was held yesterday. The jury quickly rendered the verdict: "death caused by heart failure brought on by excitement." The burial took place yesterday at the Talent cemetery. An extended obituary will appear in our next.


If we were governor-general of the world we should go over to Russia, call at the czar's palace and give that tyrannical potentate a few instructions. We should order him to forthwith liberate all political prisoners, furnish decent quarters for the rest and to abolish the "knout" and all other barbarous modes of punishment; that if he didn't comply at once we would hang him to the highest flag-staff in St. Petersberg and let him stay there a few weeks and cool off. But before we did all this we should issue general order No. 241 to the people of the Southern States to the effect that the next case of torturing by burning would be followed by such weeping and wailing on the part of those who participated in it that they would think nine times before repeating the offense.

Let us say no more about the barbarous treatment of human beings during the Middle Ages, or among Savages, until time has dimmed the memory of such fiendish acts as have lately been enacted in our own enlightened (?) America.

All of out young readers and 99% of the older ones will no doubt be interested in Mr. Griffin's bear story on another page. Mr. G. and his famous dog, Trailer have had many a high old time fighting bears, and as bear stories always have been and always will be interesting readily, we ask him to "come again."

The Medford Mail, in a complimentary allusion to our Talent-ed prediction for 1993, makes a "hard guess" that we are a brother to the famous liar, Bill Nye.

In imagination he looks back to the days of our youthful innocence and sees us two cubs and the "old mamma bear eating salal berries from the same bush.

We were surprised for we thought this a secret that would die with us, but it is hard to keep such a sensational bit of information from the hook of a live news angler. And now seeing that the whole affair has come to light, perhaps Bro. Bliton can tell us of the fate of poor old mamma Bruin, for in our wayward wanderings we have lost all trace of her.

Can it be possible that John Griffin and old Trailer have mistaken her for just a common scrub bear and that her bones now lie bleaching in some lone mountain dell? If we only knew! Then we would join in with brother Bill and erect a fitting monument to her memory and have inscribed upon it an epitaph pathetic enough to wring briny tears from the eyes even of an editor.

Chas. Sherman and sister, Luella, have returned to their Klamath county ranches.

[Index of available issues]