TALENT NEWS VOL. 2. MARCH 15, 1893. NO. 4. The TALENT NEWS is published the 1st. and l5th. of each month. The TALENT NEWS is published the LETTER FROM GROVER.
Editor News: My time and attention have been so completely taken up since my election with matters of high importance that I have scarely found leisure sufficient to correspond with my warmest friends. It was, and still is, my intention to respond in a practical way to the thousands of earnest workers who have put forth especial efforts in my behalf, by giving each a lucrative and honorable position. But it takes time to arrange such matters satisfactorily to all parties. I desire to state that in response to the valuable services you have rendered me through your able and influential journal, I intended to offer you the position of American minister to Russia, but the "powers that be" in that empire might by chance rake up some of your radical editorials relating to their infamous treatment of prisoners etc, which might make it unpleasant, perhaps dangerous, for you in that country. However, after giving the subject much thought, I have evolved a propostition that will no doubt suit you exactly. You are aware that there is a reaction in public sentiment concerning the proposed annexation of the Sandwich Islands. Instead of annexation, the United States will probably take measures to restore the deposed queen to her rightful position. Now the young beautiful, accomplished and wealthy princess, Kaiulani, now in this country, is heir to the throne of Hawaii; you are also young and have grand aspirations. I will send you as minister to that government. Of course you will at once make the acquaintance of the beautiful princess and -- and -- well take advantage of an opportunity which will result in your becoming practically the chief ruler of the Sandwich Islands. Hoping for your prompt acceptance of the above offer, I remain Yours Resp'y. G. C. HOW TO KEEP YOUNG
There is many a slave to toil and care who would do well to carefully consider the following which we find quoted in the Scientific American. The author is unknown to us. "Past grief, old angers, revenges, even past pleasures, constantly dwelt upon -- all dead, decaying, or decayed thought -- make a sepulcher of the soul, a cemetery of the body, and a weather-beaten monument of the face. "This is age. "The women who never grow old are the student women -- those who daily drink in the new chyle though memorizing, thoroughly analyzing, and perfectly assimilating subjects apart from themselves. "Study is development -- is eternal youth. "The student woman who make wise use of her acquisitions has no time to corrugate her brow with dread thought of the beauty-destroyer leaping fast behind her. "Not considered or invited, old age keeps his distance. Brain culture, based on noble motive, means sympathy, heart gentleness, charity, graciousness, enlargement of sense, feeling, power. Such a being cannot become a fossil." ADVICE TO MOTHERS Make your children mind you. Obedience is the first law of the family.Be stern. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Be severe. Be kind to your children. Be gentle. Never lie to your children. Never hit you children with an axe, or a club, or a broom-handle, or a red-hot stove-lid. Never shoot your children with a revolver a shot-gun, a derringer, or a repeating rifle. Never lie before the children. Always wait till they have gone to bed. Never permit your children to over-eat. Let your children eat whatever and whenever they please. Never permit your daughter to marry a Mormon. Never smoke before your children. Never kill anyone or rob a savings-bank, in the presence of your children. After your children are married, never let them live with you. It is cheaper to live with them. (This is important.) Never let your son become a politician, or a financier, or a cowboy, or a leading American humorist. [side 2] AN INTERESTING CHAPTER IN BY WELBORN BEESON The discovery of rich mines on Scott river in northern California by captain Scott and others in the winter of 1851, and a little later of the placers on Yreka Flats by the late Dr. Hearn, caused numbers of the hardy pioneers of the Willamette valley to leave their homes and hazzard a trip over the Calapooia mountains through the famous Umpqua canyon, along the rocky banks of Rogue river and make their way over the then almost trackless Siskiyou mountains. Among the adventurers was an old gentleman who had been a resident of Lane county five years. He started with two yoke of oxen and a wagon that he had traveled across the plains from Iowa with in 1846. He had with him his two sons, George and Charles, also three or four young men that he had known in Iowa. They made their way through all the difficulties; sometimes all united to lift the wagon over the immense rocks in the canyon and to push the wagon to aid the weary cattle over the steep rough mountain. When they arrived at Yreka they were disappointed for as yet but a small portion of the afterwards immense diggings was known; but hearing of a fine prospect on Illinois river, a tributary of Rogue river, they started back over the Siskiyous. When they arrived on Rogue river, near where Grants Pass now is, they met a number of prospecters returning from the Illinois river, with discouraging news. Here they held a council and it was decided that the old gentleman and his son George should return home, while Charles and his three companions should take the only pony, with blankets, provisions and tools that they could pack and again return to the Yreka diggings. The four young men, three of whom are now prosperous and respected citizens of our community, toiled their weary way up Rogue river and Bear creek to the place where Phoenix is now located. There, much to their surprise, they found a company of U. S. dragoons encamped under command of Major Phil Kearney, afterwards a noted general. He was marching from fort Vancouver on the Columbia to fort Benicia on San Francisco Bay, and had come over from the Umpqua on what is now known as the Elk and Trail creek trail. On arriving at Rogue river opposite the mouth of Indian creek, he was attacked by the Indians, and Lieutenant Stewart had received a mortal wound. The Major made camp where Phoenix now is and Stewart there died of his wound, and was buried under the oak tree that now serves as a gate post to the gate leading from Colver's across Bear creek. His remains were afterwards taken up and sent back east at his mothers request. Major Kearney named this place. Camp Stewart, and Bear creek was called Stewart's creek for several years afterwards. Our four young adventurers arrived at the camp just as the major had performed the last rites of burial to his young officer and wishing to avenge his death, called for volunteers from among the traveling gold seekers, as there were several others besides our particular four. Charles being the only one of the four that was armed vounteered, the major furnishing him a government mule to ride. Just at dusk in the early days of June, 1851, the little company of dragoons, accompanied by perhaps a dozen volunteer gold seekers, crossed Bear creek near the present ford and, traveling all night, came to Rogue river at Indian creek, the scene of the attack a short time before; but no Indians could be found. The troops crossed the river and followed down skirting the brush. When they came to the place where lower Table Rock approaches the river, making a very narrow passage between the rock and river, on what is now known as the Billy Wilson donation claim, suddenly a shower of arrows came whizzing among the company slightly wounding several. A retreat to open ground was ordered and after a consultation, it was decided to make charge on foot which was contary to the idea of Indian warfare entertained by our Charles, who had had some experience in the Nez Perce [side 3] campaign, in 1847. But being and a volunteer, he decided to obey orders without a word, so on the order to charge being given, he started for the brush expecting all to come; on arriving at the edge of the brush amid a shower of arrows he found shelter behind a friendly tree and on looking back found not one of the others had obeyed the command but were farther away. Every time a portion of his person was exposed from the tree zip would come an arrow and still he could not see an Indian. He concluded that he had better charge back to the company. As luck would have it he got back with but a few arrows sticking in his flannel shirt just pricking him enough to make him run all the faster and mad enough to whip the whole company. The dragoons were like some of the tramps hunting work now a days --
when they find it they don't want it. So an order was given to mount and
forward march through the prairie now known as Sams valley, where eight
or ten squaws were espied digging roots. These were captured and carried
hack to Camp Stewart in triumph. This was a long ride, being out on the
trip all night and day and nearly all the next night without rest. Major
Kearney carried the squaws to Yreka. COMMISSION MERCHANT, PACKER AND SHIPPER OF SOUTHERN OREGON FRUITS, HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR POULTRY, DEALER IN FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, ETC. ASHLAND, OREGON. MY CREED. I hold that Christian peace abounds I hold all else, called piety, That I moreover hold and dare 'Tis not the wide phylactery. And when a man may live apart
For reliable Fire Insurance, in first-class companies, farmers should call on E. V. Carter at Bank of Ashland. Rates Low. "There was an ould man an' he had a wooden leg, "Sez one ould man, "Will yez give me a chew? Don't forget that the Ashland News Stand is the place to subscribe for the various Magazines and Newspapers that you may wish to take. You will thus save cost of money order and postage. Don't forget that E. M. Deauvaul is the Talent shoemaker, and does his
work up in good shape, for moderate prices. [side 4] TALENT NEWS. At the annual school meeting for this district held on the 6th inst., S. M. Robison was elected director and Welborn Beeson, clerk. Then followed a general expression of opinion concerning the suitableness of our present school house, which resulted in the adoption of the following resolution: ''Resolved that the directors be instructed to call a special meeting to be held on the last Saturday in April, for the purpose of voting a tax to build a new school-house." A prior resolution instructing the directors to "take steps to furnish the present school-house with good modern seats,'' was lost, the prevailing o-pinion being that to put new and elegant seats into an old and illy adapted school house would be as contrary to Scripture authority as it would be to put new wine into old bottles; that it would be wiser to put modern seats into a modern school house. The artistic Jack-knife carvings and pencil hieroglyphics on the present seats harmonize admirably with the elegant figures and gems of literature with which the walls of the house are decorated. It were a pity to destroy such harmony. At this writing we have no means of judging how the citizens of this district will dispose of the school tax question, but that the present school house is a poor success there can be little difference of opinion. Indeed it would require a genius to construct a building less adapted to the purposes for which it was intended. A suitable school house with good seats is needed in this district if we wish to get the full benefit of the money expended for school purposes; therefore we hope the citizens will take a lively interest in the matter. A LIVELY RUN-AWAY. One of the Conwill brothers and Thos. Aid started from Talent to Medford the other day with a cart into which was hitched a horse that was not used to carts. They had proceeded only a few yards when the horse, not appreciating this new order of business, dashed down the street throwing out Aid and Conwill, upsetting the cart and finally landing among the wood along the rail-road track, where he was found badly hurt, a broken shaft having penetrated his side. Jas. Helms is spending a few weeks in San Francisco. Laura Webster and Ollie Purves have returned to Dunsmuir, Cal., to spend the summer. Miss. Grace Stevens and Mr. Chas. Houston were married last Sunday. Rev. A. J. Stevens officiating. The Upper Wagner creek district elected C S. Phelps director, and H. H. Goddard cleric, for the ensuing year. Our district clerk reports 136 persons in this district that will draw school money for the ensuing year. Mr. and Mrs, H. W. Dyer and their daughter, Mrs. L. B. Baughman, left for Red Bluff, Cal., on the 4th. inst. We are glad to state that Mrs. M. K. Hargrave has secured $300 back pension and $12 per month from this time on. The weather for the past week has been March-ing on in a style, that doesn't, suit the farmers at all. Cold, rain, sleet, hail, snow and wind hold spring in the lap of winter and farmers are -- just a waiting. Walter Rhoden, an acquaintance of Ben Dyer, started to California with a team a few days since, but was stopped by deep snow on the Siskiyous and returned to Talent where he is patiently waiting for warmer weather. J. W. Briner called at our office last Sunday, renewed his subscription for two years and expressed himself as well pleased with the NEWS. He is located in the Siskiyous about nine miles from Cole's and believes he has a good mine. Wheat bears no comparison to rock in price in this valley; the latter having brought $300 a sack at a recent sale. We allude to the puchase by E. K. Anderson of ten sacks of mineral sock for which he gave $3000. Mrs. Noah Allen, Mrs. J. D. Atwater and Miss. Minnie Neal were received into the Seventhday Adventist church by baptism on the 5th inst. The immersion look place in Anderson creek, near Boyd Robison's, Rev. Isaac Morrison officiating. Emmette Beeson came over from his mountain farm on Monday of this week
and reports three feet of snow on the summit and ten inches at his place.
He says hay or feed of any kind is very scarce on Antelope creek and there
is likely to be great loss of stock. |