TALENT NEWS. VOL. 1. MAY 1, 1892. No. 7. The TALENT NEWS is published the lst. and 15th. of each month. Terms: 25 cents a year. EDDIE ROBISON, Editor FARM STATISTICS.
We are pleased to acknowledge the receipt of a copy of
the Album of Agricultural Statistics, just issued by the Department of
Agriculture at Washington. In it will be found presented in graphic
form a vast array of statistical data of interest to all. Mellvin Atwater's three-year-old son had a narrow
escape from An Interesting Letter.
Eddietor Noos: Mr. Eddietor the abuve is inkuragin. I am goin too
stump this ere Kountie fur awl thar are inn itt. Hopin U wile dew awl U
kan fur me I am yowers respeckfillie Hendrick Hamilton Goddard.
Andrew Wilcox left on the 16th ult. for the East to see
his aged father
who is very ill. Mrs. Geo. Whitney of Grants Pass was up a few days
since to visit her
father, J. J. Miller of this place. Arthur Abbott will work for Josh Patterson for the
coming The peach crop in this vicinity will be slim this year
on account of
the late frosts. Prunes are also injured to some extent. [side 2] TALENT NEWS.
County School Supt. Price has forwarded to W. J. Dean, clerk of Dist. 22, the following: To The Board of Directors of Dist. 22. Jackson County Oregon. Gentlemen: In accordance with a petition, now in file in my office, bearing the signatures of a majority of the legal voters of Dist. No. 22, I have this the twenty seventh day of April A. D. 1892, created from territory in District No. 22 a new district to be known as Anderson Creek District, No. 72, with boundaries as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point twenty three chains south of the north-west corner of section thirty four Township thirty-eight South Range one W. M. Thence east thirty two chains; thence south fifty seven chains to Township line. Thence west along Township line thirty two chains to Sec. corner of sec. 33, 34 and 3, 4. Thence south three miles; thence west three miles to Township line; thence along Township line north three miles and fiftyseven chains; thence east three miles to place of beginning. C. S. Price
An object which has been familiar to the older residents of Wagner Creek for the last thirty years, yields to the iconoclastic spirit of improvement. The west half of the octagonal house formerly owned by Welborn Beeson is being demolished by the present owner, J. E. Foss preparatory to erecting a new residence on the site. The east half remains but will improved beyond recognition. Geo. H. Lynch has purchased the J. B. Dyer blacksmith shop at Talent and rented it to Ole Mickelson, an experienced workman. C. K. Klum will henceforth conduct business on a strictly cash-down system. A good idea. The credit system is a greater curse to the people in general than all the big monopolies combined and goodness knows they are bad enough. Sam'l Stevens and Luella Sherman arrived yesterday from Klamath county. Their trip across the mountain was anything but delightful. MATRIMONIAL.
Samuel Philips, the blind man, has been singing of late: "O. I would like to marry,He has found her -- Mrs. Menerva Bell of Medford. The wedding took place at Grants Pass on the 18th ult. They will live in Jacksonville. Just at present they are supposed to be the happiest couple in Southern Oregon. May their honeymoon be cloudless. Henry Hanson and his young bride, nee Miss. Nora Webster, have moved onto their farm four miles east of Medford. Having unusual industry and perseverance as a mutual endowment, our young friends set out on the matrimonial turnpike with the brightest prospects of success. We pronounce them a model couple, and if the Fates do not decree otherwise, their life's journey together will be a pleasant one. They have our best wishes. J. C. Whipp, of Jacksonville, contributes to the News an elegantly finished imposing stone. Friend Whipp appreciates the News and it [is] needless to say that the news appreciates the gift. IF.
If this government were an absolute monarchy and if the editor of the news were chief boss, we should at once issue order No. 237 as follows: Any person who wilfully and with malice aforethought allows his razor-back, tree climbing and fence breaking swine to run at large in the public highway shall by counted guilty of a crime against his neighbors, and such person shall he fined for the first offense not less than $1500, nor more than $15,000; and for the second offense imprisoment in the state penetentiary for a term of not less than twenty five nor more than one hundred years. Selah. Henry Robison and Mrs. Marcia Robison called at the News office a few days since. |