TALENT NEWS VOL. 1. JAN. 14th. 1892. NO. 1. With this number we commence the publication of the TALENT NEWS. As apologies, as well as comparisons, are odious, we have none to offer. We shall strive to make the NEWS a first class paper -- honest, accurate, trustworthy. To do this, of course we shall find it necessary to imitate great editors. We shall adopt the dietary habits of the RECORD editor, making apples our main article of food and also like him, be fearless and independent. We shall be good looking, polite and conservative, like the editor of the TIDINGS; and a walking interogation point, after the manner of the famous Chas. Nickell. So our paper is bound to improve, and if nobody else brags on us, we will. The NEWS will be issued semi-occasionly untill further notice. Subscription terms and advertising rates will be given in next number. GRANGE OFFICERS. On Dec.31 st.,Wagner Grange No.240 elected the following officers for 1892: M., W. Beeson, O., Jas. Purves; L., W.J. Dean; S., C. Sherman; A.S., G. Alford; C., A.L. Alford; T., E.K. Anderson; Sec., G. Anderson; G. K., A. Jacobs; Ceres, Arminda Purves; P., Sula Dean; F., Ollie Purves; L.A.S., Gertrude Purves. Date of installation, Jan.28th. For first class job printing -- bills, cards, etc. patronize the NEWS. Mrs. B.C.Goddard who has been ill for some weeks, is much improved and is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Dean. The Leap Year Hall, given by the young ladies of Talent was a success financially and physically; financially, for about forty numbers were sold,and physically in the muscle developing feats put forth by the fair escorts in assisting their clumsy and awkward masculine partners from the buggies into the hall. It was an interesting affair -- indeed very interesting and gratifying to the NEWS reporter who, early in the evening pre-empted a choice corner seat and complacently held it down while the ladies, footsore and weary, walked the floor looking in vain for a place to sit down and rest. As the fair sex had assumed the role of escorts to the gentlemen, of course the latter were not expected to help themselves. One young gentleman, fully appreciating the changed relation of the sexes, volenteered to salute some of the brothers with a sweet, society kiss,which of course was all right and proper. Another, a young and bashful bridegroom, did not feel at liberty to speak to any other lady than his fair escort without permission of the floor managers. At lunch paper napkins were distributed, but our reporter was sorry to learn that a few of the gentlemen mistook them for handkerchiefs. However, all did eat and were filled and the fragments consisted of one able bodied sandwich found on the hall steps the next morning, which fell to the share of the school-house pigs. The NEWS urges frequent leap-year parties, as they are so "awfully"
nice -- for the gentlemen. [side 2] TALENT NEWS. Lost, Strayed, or ''Borrowed''. The Fruit Growers' meeting on the 16th., was an enthusiastic affair. Four fruit growers and the Talent carpenter were present. After severely criticising the apparent evil intentions of the codlin moth, San Jose scale and wooly aphis, and proposing a general advance movement against the enemy, the discussion naturally turned on the third party movement, sub-treasury plan, temperance, hog law, and the proper training of boys. Being assured that scats were free and that no hat would be passed, the NEWS reporter modestly put in an appearance at the open alliance meeting last Friday evening. Mr. Ira Wakefield led off on the sub-treasury plan. He is an entertaining off-hand speaker very clever in the use of illustration and would be at home on the political platform. After considerable skirmishing, he got down to business and gave a very clear explanation of the subject at hand. It would seem that such a plan would benefit the producer without, in the least, injuring any one else, and that no one could advance a reasonable objection to it; yet a late writer calls it "infamous". The speaker attempted to explain the manner of establishing a bank under the laws of the United States, outlining its powers and privileges. If his explanation is correct, the NEWS has been misinformed though the latter has few pleasant words for the banking system in this country. According to Mr. Wakefield, if a bank fails, the holders of the notes of that bank might not receive but 33 1/3% of their face value. The reporter would differ with the speaker. The notes of a bank cannot exceed 90% of its bond deposit. This deposit protects the holders of bank notes against loss. Thus far under the present banking law -- that of '63 no notes have been discredited. Mr. S.H. Holt followed at some length on the urgent necessity of political reform. He would also disabuse the public mind of the impression that the alliance could or would take any action in partisan politics. Yet the closing song, "Good Bye Old Parties Good Bye", would seem to make further explanation necessary. The reporter was invited to spout a little bit, but his remarks were not of sufficient length, breadth and thickness to justify recording. Experts will notice two dates to this issue of the NEWS. Well, that is a new wrinkle of our own. There is no patent on it, so other papers can take pattern if they choose. The NEWS proposes to devote proper space to answering questions; so send them along. The play party given by Miss. Gertie Purves on Tusday evening last was a very pleasant affair. Look out for next number ! |