Earliest Space Diagram 1999
Earliest Space Diagram - circa 1999

Floorplan from Design Committee April 2005
Floorplan from Design Committee - April 2005 (click on drawing to enlarge)

Option B -- Monolithic roof
Design Committee rejected Monolithic roof option ...

and chose this "broken-up" roof design instead, to reduce visual impact of 7,000 sf building - April 2005
Click on model to see more views.

Old Firehouse had to go
Old Firehouse had to go ...

Approved location of new Talent Library
Footprint of the new Library in the Talent Civic Center complex. Footprint of old Firehouse shown with dashed line. North Street is now called Lapree and "I" Street is now Market St.

Ground Breaking on old Firehouse site
Ground breaking - March 12, 2006

Final Floorplan before construction March 2006
Final Floorplan before construction March 2006 (click on blueprint to enlarge)

Early Framing Stage
Early Framing Stage - July 2006

The Walls Go Up, Up, Up!
The Walls Go Up, Up, Up! - August 2006

Dried in before it rained!
Dried in before it rained! - September 2006

Siding and Awning Frames up.
Siding and Awning Frames up - October 2006

Trim done, too.
Trim done, too.

A painted lady!
A lovely painted lady! - Late October 2006

Ready to open, Feb. 2007
Ready to open, February 2007

Dec. 2007
December 2007

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